PILOT SITE: Lake Näsijärvi & Lake Pyhäjärvi



Additional information

Lake Näsijärvi and Lake Pyhäjärvi locate in the Finnish Lakeland in Western Finland, surrounding Tampere, the most populous inland city in the Nordic countries and the official Sauna Capital of the World.

Pilot Site Attributes

  • Region: Pirkanmaa, Finland
  • Population: 260 051
  • Type: Lake
  • Surface: Lake Näsijärvi 255 km², Lake Pyhäjärvi 121,6 km²
  • Altitude: Lake Näsijärvi 95 m, Lake Pyhäjärvi 77,2 m
  • Watershed: Kokemäenjoki
  • Surface area of protected natural space (Nature 2000 Network): 1 292,00 ha
  • Length: Lake Näsijärvi 44 km, Lake Pyhäjärvi 40 km
  • Average depth: Lake Näsijärvi 13,7 m, Lake Pyhäjärvi 5,5 m
  • Maximum depth: Lake Näsijärvi 63 m, Lake Pyhäjärvi 50 m

Pilot Site Description: Lake Näsijärvi

Lake Näsijärvi locates on the north side of Tampere. The water of the lake is clear and almost colorless. There is only a little humus and the acidity of the water is also at a normal level. The water quality of Näsijärvi is good. In the central and northern parts of the lake, the quality is even excellent. The bays in the southern part closer to the city of Tampere are not the same quality and their bottom water has a significant oxygen deficit. The water quality classification of these southern parts is satisfactory. The condition of the northern parts of Näsijärvi has been improved by e.g. The load reduction in the Mänttä area in 1991. The sewage load in Lielahti was also substantially reduced in 1985, and this quickly improved the oxygen situation in the southern part of Näsijärvi. In the open water area the phosphorus and chlorophyll concentrations describe excellent water quality. On the other hand, the northern part of Näsijärvi is not in that good of a condition. The lushest areas of the lake include Siivikkalanlahti and Ryydynpohja and Kurunlahti in the northern part. (Source: jarviwiki.fi)

Pilot Site Description: Lake Pyhäjärvi

Lake Pyhäjärvi limits Tampere city centre from the south. Pyhäjärvi is divided into four different bodies of water and the water quality varies greatly between different regions. Others are ecologically avoidable, while the condition of the southern part is satisfactory and the northern part is good. The water in the northern part flows from Näsijärvi, which has low nutrients and good water quality, which is why the water quality is clearly better than other areas. In the southern part, the agricultural load is clearly greater, which, together with the wastewater treatment plants and more nutrient-rich waters, raises the nutrient level clearly higher than in the northern part. In addition, the bay areas, where the water turnover is lower than the main basins, are clearly more nutrient-rich than the main basins. In the northern part of Lake Pyhäjärvi, the phosphorus content has remained below the target value. The chlorophyll content is also lower than the maximum concentration indicating good water quality, and strong algal blooms have not occurred. In the southern part the target values for both phosphorus and chlorophyll concentrations are well exceeded. The bay areas of Alhonselkä and Hulaus are the most nutrient-rich areas of Lake Pyhäjärvi. Heinälahti and Narvalahti have strong algal blooms in addition to high phosphorus content. The target concentrations for both phosphorus and chlorophyll are well exceeded. The oxygen situation in the northern part of Pyhäjärvi is better than the rest of the lake. In Sakaselä and Sorvanselä there is a regular loss of oxygen (about 0 mg/l) in the near-bottom water, and in Narvanlahti and Heinälahti the algal blooms are so strong that oxygen oversaturation occurs in the near-surface water. Test fishing was carried out in the southern and northern parts of Pyhäjärvi in 2012. No excesses of the recommended values of harmful substances were observed in the fish obtained. (Source: jarviwiki.fi)

Activities around the lakes

The lake is very popular for recreational activities both locally and by visitors. Water sports, recreational activities and lake cruises, along with a versatile lakeside trail network for cycling and hiking, attract people year around. Examples of activities and organisations:

Summer (on and off water)

  • Swimming
  • Sailing
  • Row boating
  • Cruises
  • Canoeing
  • SUP-boarding
  • Fishing
  • Cycling
  • Mountain biking
  • Hiking

Winter (on and off water/ice)

  • Ice Swimming
  • Nordic Skating
  • Nordic Skiing
  • Nordic Walking
  • Cycling
  • Ice fishing
  • Hiking

Environmental associations

  • Luontoliitto (the Finnish nature league)
  • Villi Vyöhyke (local environmental association)
  • KVVY ry (local water-area conservation association)

Public authorities

  • ELY-keskus (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment)
  • Metsähallitus (Government owned forestry agency, operator and maintaining the National Parks)
  • City of Tampere and other related municipalities in the lake region
  • Visit Tampere and Event Tampere (organisations for tourism and events)
  • Satamatoimisto (the local port office, a public authority responsible for the development of the harbour areas, governed by the city of Tampere)

Sport clubs and events

  • Näsijärven purjehdusseura (Local Sailing Club)
  • Pirkan kierros (Local club / Association in charge of one of the biggest sports event all year around in 4 different mass events including rowing, Nordic skiing, running and cycling)
  • Tampere Maraton
  • Tampereen pursiseura (Local sailing and boating club)
  • Tampereen Vihuri (Local canoeing club)
  • Tampereen taivaltajat (local hiking club)

Sport tourism companies and operators

  • Hopealinjat Oy (The biggest regional company offering lake cruises and activities)
  • Näsijärven laivapalvelut (a lake cruise company)
  • Skipperi (a shared-use boat company)
  • Hiking Travel (A nature tourism company also doing a lot of water-based sport activities)
  • Amazing City (city adventures for small and bigger groups)
  • Adventure Apes (A nature tourism company also doing a lot of water-based sport activities)
  • Four Seasons Outdoors (A canoeing adventures company)
  • Tres Hombres Adventure (an adventure and water based sport activity company)

Contact information

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