ABB robots in the circular economy 



ABB robots in the circular economy 21.1.2025 13:00-14:00 (Teams, English) 

ABB offers 2nd life robots, making the robots themselves suitable for a circular economy solutions. During the on-line presentation, we will look at examples how to use the robots in Circular Economy and discuss the various applications of the robots. The robot range is starting from single and low-cost collaborative robots ending to large industrial scale robot solutions. Peter Taipale from ABB will do the presentation. 

The organizer is the international EU Horizon project in co-operation with SIX valmistusklubi (Business Tampere). The main themes of the Treasource project are the reuse of plastics, the utilization of biomass and side streams, and the use of 2ND life EV (electric vehicle) batteries as energy storage. Robotics can be used to sort plastics, assemble and disassemble 2nd life battery packs, and sort and move raw material streams in biogas plants. 

The event is intended for people interested in the circular economy and robotics.

Nimi: ABB robots in the circular economy 
Aika: 21.01.2025, 13.00
Paikka: Microsoft Teams
KIPINÄ 4.3.2025
Kiertotalous Pirkanmaa järjestää Tampereella 4.3.2025 klo 12 alkaen KIPINÄ-seminaarin.KIPINÄ yhdistää alueen keskeisimmät kiertotaloustoimijat ja y...
