Tapahtuma on päättynyt! Se järjestettiin: 18.01.2024

Future Trends for the 2nd Life Battery Applications 18.1.

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On Thursday 18.1.2024 at 10.00-11.00 Finnish time we all will have a rare opportunity to hear about battery reuse and repurposing in the Nordics from a research and business perspective. The webinar hosted by SINTEF, Ekokumppanit and Business Tampere will focus on the future opportunities and trends of 2nd life battery applications with experts from key actors of the field.

Register to Nordic Battery Thursday platform to learn more: NORDIC BATTERY THURSDAYS – Home (b2match.io)


2nd life batteries – Challenges and opportunities from a researcher perspective

Fride Vullum-Bruer, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF

Current applications and future trends for the 2nd life battery systems

Marita Hjertvik, Sales and customer support, ECO STOR

Panel discussion – Drivers, barriers, and future trends of battery reuse & repurposing

Panel host: Heini Wallander, Business Tampere

Claude Chanson, General Manager, RECHARGE Batteries

Jonna Hynynen, Research Scientist, RISE

Lars Barstad, Senior Key Expert BESS, Siemens Energy

Mikko Valtee, Electrification Technologies and Machinery Systems Manager, Sandvik

Tuomas Messo, Chief Technology Officer, CeLLife Technologies


The webinar will be organized with co-operation between SINTEF, Ekokumppanit and Business Tampere as a part of the TREASoURcE and SafeBESS projects as well as Nordic Battery Thursday platform hosted by Business Finland, Business Sweden and Innovation Norway with support from Nordic Innovation.

Nimi: Future Trends for the 2nd Life Battery Applications 18.1.
Aika: 18.01.2024, 10.00
Paikka: Webinaari
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